Why Stronger SEO Means Better Conversion For Your Website

As a business owner, you probably get collateral in the mail all the time mentioning some type of SEO or lead generation service. Have you ever really been properly introduced though, to what SEO is and does for your business? As Houston’s top performer for local internet leads, we are always adamant about being transparent about our approach with our clients. After all, we know that what we do is something that anyone can learn and do—it is the complexity and time-consuming nature of it that keeps us employed. Sure, you could do it yourself but the cost of hiring someone full time to manage your digital marketing is just not feasible or practical for most companies. That is why you hire dedicated professionals such as BrandNation in order to fine-tune your SEO approach and get more local internet leads for your sales team.

Most business owners think of SEO as a one trick pony that helps your website show up higher in search results without paying for that spot. While it is true that SEO can help drive targeted traffic to your site, the concept of SEO extends so far beyond just search engine placement, that by the end of this article you may realize you don’t actually know what SEO does at all. You aren’t alone though; many business owners are very uninformed of the true benefits of SEO—and that is mostly the SEO companies’ fault.

SEO—It’s Not A Mystery, So Why Do Some Make It That Way?

You see, many digital marketing companies and SEO experts have traditionally been afraid to reveal much about what they do or more specifically what SEO can do. They summarize it very briefly in an attempt to preserve their leverage over potential clients by possessing greater knowledge of it.

Sadly, this method backfires and hurts an entire industry. Rather than inform their clients many of these companies actually do the opposite and keep potential clients away. Clients like yourself want to know what SEO can do for their business, want to know the basics of the purposes it serves and they want to know how you can do it better than them. They already know it’s not something they couldn’t learn, but they want to know enough about it to know what they are paying for and to understand what some stranger is doing with their web content and strategy.

That’s called transparency and earning your job security through good work and a reputation for integrity—and that’s why BrandNation stands out as the best in Houston for generating local internet leads. We educate our clients so they hire us not because we have leverage over them but because we provide the added value of knowledge.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the top important things SEO can do for your website:

Attracting Qualified Traffic Using Strategic Keyword Targeting

If your SEO strategy is centered around targeting key search terms and content is created with that in mind, then you should see relatively good results in regards to qualified traffic. In most cases, unless you’re a nationwide brand, your SEO efforts should focus on longer phrases that are relevant to your industry and offerings. Those are the visitors that know what they want and don’t want so they are already likely to convert.

Developing Landing Pages Relevant To Users Search Intent

The purpose of a search engine is to give the user the result that is the most relevant to their desired result. For example, if a user searches for “49ers Color Rush jersey”, Google won’t send them to 49ers shop front page—instead, it will go directly to the category page showing all available 49ers Color Rush jerseys.  The reason is that the search engine is looking to deliver the most relevant match based on the search term.

What this means for you and your SEO efforts is that SEO helps you organically better match your user’s intentions by giving them the page of your site that is the most relevant as an entry page for that user.  With that being said, if you don’t have a landing page that matches a certain set of commonly used search terms relevant to what you offer, then you won’t come up in results for those terms. The best SEO experts who consistently deliver quality local internet leads know the importance of this concept. If you’ve been reading this article thus far, you can see that very concept in action.  In fact, one of our most important part of optimizing SEO for our clients is developing landing pages in order to host the search engines will index and rank high as possible.  On the user’s side, this benefits them as well because the chances that they will find what they need, quickly and efficiently are high, thus creating a positive visit and increasing the odds that the visit will convert. Bottom line—relevant, content loaded landing pages increase search visibility and the ability to convert traffic into closures.

Speeding Up Load Times To Boost Rankings And Conversion

Google’s objective is to deliver the best and most efficient user experience to those using their search engine. It makes sense then that for the last eight years, that Google has been factoring in load times when determining your rank. The reason is that users are usually in a hurry, want and expect lightning-fast results, and the research shows it’s true. Slow load times mean more bounce and less conversion—period. When you deliver a fast site flow, it’s positive for the user which helps your site’s conversion ability and ranking as well.

Offers A Better Mobile Experience That Satisfies Users And Search Algorithms

The SEO principles of today require platform adaptability for your site. It must be able to be seen and navigated just as easily on portable devices as it is on a desktop. In fact, as of 2015, Google had more searches that originated from mobile devices than it did from desktops.

That means that mobile generating more search traffic and you can take it to the bank that Google is heavily invested in making sure mobile search results are just as effective and positive for mobile users too. Google has been quite blatant in just how much they are invested, citing that sites that are not mobile-friendly will not rank as high as content that is. So, it’s pretty clear that in order to maintain organic visibility, you need to invest in creating mobile-friendly versions of your site and make your content friendly as well.

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