If You Don’t Have Prospects You Don’t Have Anything

Sales—it’s the very core of your business. Without sales, there are no transactions, so there is no business. Sales don’t just come out of thin air, you need prospects or leads as commonly known. A lead by standard definition is a qualified person who has the ability and means to purchase your product or service and has shown some interest in what you have to offer.

In the digital marketplace that interest is typically defined as not merely a visitor to your website—but rather a person that responds to a call-to-action (CTA) somewhere on your site. Examples of a CTA could be asking a visitor to fill out a contact form, call you, or fill out a brief information request.

Lead generation is the process by which you capture that visitor’s interest in your service or product so that you can open and develop a sales communication channel with them. This process is called a conversion and is a key step in the sales flow of the digital age.

The Digital Age Of Lead Generation

With the rapid expansion of the internet, the world has gone from a society with a scarcity of information to a society with overly abundant information. Information in the pre-internet boom was limited to mass media such as television and print media or word of mouth and local advertising. Now, information is created daily at a rate of 50GB/second. To put that in perspective, at current rates there will be over 100 billion gigabytes of information created this year alone.

What Does This Mean For Your Business?

That astounding information growth has had a monumental impact on lead generation and the buying process. No longer do companies rely solely on finding potential buyers and blast them with mass media campaigns. Now, in this age of abundant information on tap—buyers find you. This poses a challenge for you, the business owner seeking to be found by these well-informed buyers.

First, you have to have a robust online presence consisting of a website, social media pages, and relevant content on all. The big downside to abundant information it is a scarcity of attention. We know it as “attention economics,” and if you cannot be found on the internet how can you capture buyer’s attention?

We Know How To Capture Buyers Attention

At BrandNation, our lead generation team has a combined experience that is more than capable of delivering the solid lead generation performance our clients have come to expect from us. What we do is no secret and entails deep research, creative content, and analytical thinking.

We Are Local PPC & SEO Experts

Simply having a website on the internet won’t get you found and get the attention of your audience. It takes deep and detailed adjustments to your site’s coding and content to be picked up on search engines such as Google. It also takes a bit of financial investment into pay-per-click advertising. (PPC) PPC is a key component to website exposure but it needs to be handled by a professional or you could end up eating through your marketing budget with nothing to show for it. We are the digital marketing experts that are focused on conversions and quality leads and our stats show it.

We Are A Google Partner

BrandNation achieved Google Partner status in record time and it’s not a certification you can simply take a class for or pay to receive this status. Earning this highly coveted status requires achieving very aggressive KPI goals that Google requires we deliver for our clients. KPI’s such as revenue growth, sustained consumer base growth, and expertise in AdWords (PPC), among other metrics.

The BrandNation Solution

When you entrust us with your marketing development we employ a multipoint strategy that encompasses all of these key components that work together to generate leads—each one of them is integral to your success:

It all starts with a good foundation, if you don’t already have one, we build from the ground up. By combining sensible marketing strategies based on thorough research, future-forward thinking, and efficient campaigns that reduce bloated acquisition costs—we lay the foundation for success. Then we put your business on the map.

We establish your online presence with smart website design with smart content that is optimized to be found by Google search engines as well as other major search engines. The websites we design are unique as your business and are not cookie-cutter templates. We take pride in visually expressing your company vision through your website.

Your logo and the aesthetics of your website and marketing collateral must be appealing to consumer’s needs and wants. It also must maintain your brand and identity with your audience. The branding and identity division at BrandNation specializes in helping you realize who your company is, what you stand for, and how to express that visually and verbally to the world.

Social media is one of the most powerful new advertising mediums to raise awareness of your company and brand. We have a dedicated team of social media managers that keep their finger on the pulse of the social media community. They monitor everything from politics that are relevant to your industry, vital statistics, pop culture, industry-specific trends, and more. We then create posts that are carefully tailored to highlight your company’s brand and identity in a positive light that engages with your audience.

Never underestimate the power of video. The art of creating a visual message that reels your audience in and compels them into action—is one that requires both technical and artistic skill. Our dedicated commercial production team includes experts in marketing, video production, and creative writing. We create commercials with a highly targeted message that makes a passionate impact on your audience that stands out from your competition.

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Let’s Grow Something Together

Don’t hesitate. The companies that make the most impact in your market are the ones that make the smart moves without haste. BrandNation has the tools, the talent, and the stats to grow your business exponentially. Contact one of our business development consultants today and get the edge on your competition.

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