Is Website Marketing Necessary For Marketing?

YES. The answer is yes. Of course, if my answer was only one word, then I wouldn’t be offering very effective content, would I?


It doesn’t matter what you know about SEO, PPC, or if you’re an AdWords Expert, etc., if your website doesn’t have content, none of that matters nearly as much. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that stuff doesn’t matter, but content is king. In the grand scheme of well, everything, it matters.

You may be thinking well, I run an ecommerce website. People come to my website to shop, and that’s it. Well, let me ask you, how are your sales going? Do you think they could improve? Did you know if you offer more content people will visit your website more regularly AND you’ll be acknowledged by search engines more? Still think it doesn’t matter?

People like stuff, but even more, they like stuff that offers them something. They can visit a ton of websites every day by simply typing in a few words into a search. What if you could keep them on your website by offering content that interests them? Be informative, be engaging! According to a Custom Content Council survey, 61% of consumers said they feel better about a business that offers content and are more likely to buy from them. Did you catch that? More than half of consumers said they are more likely to buy from a website that offers custom content.

OK, OK, I get It. I’m not a writer, though!

One of the challenges many businesses face is generating custom content. Copying content is a huge “no no” for many reasons not limited to copyrights and plagiarism, duplicate content (which is majorly frowned upon by search engines), and just the fact that it lacks uniqueness. This can be addressed in multiple ways.

Create your Plan of Attack

Create a plan and put it into action. Will you post content once a week? What topics will you cover and what keywords will you use? What kind of questions do your clients frequently ask? Think of ways you can address those questions in a post.


Find websites you like and subscribe to their newsletter. When you read something you like, add it to your brainstorm cloud and come up with your own ideas related to that topic. Before you know it, you’ll have 300 words on the subject, and a post has been created!

Hire an expert

Perhaps you’ve brainstormed and attempted to come up with a plan to determine content just isn’t “your thing.” Many businesses hire an expert to create content. Here at BrandNation we assign a Content Manager with a background and experience is custom content to manage both the content on your website and your social media accounts. Contact us today to get started!

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