Having a great looking website or high Google rankings won’t mean much if you’re not generating leads. In fact you could easily spend a lot of time and money trying to get online leads with little to no success.
Online technology is constantly changing and to help you out here are FIVE fool-proof ways to Generate Leads in 2014:
Nothing says I don’t want your business like a website that your 16 year old nephew put together. First impressions mean everything and your website speaks a thousand words about who you are and what type of service you deliver. Invest some money into a good looking website. Make sure the website isn’t overloaded with content and avoid graphics over-kill. Google wants to see your…. Content. Content is King! Want to rank high? Have good, decent content, yet carefully balance it out with images that will keep your consumer intrigued. Visitors didn’t go to your website to read a book…unless you sell books.
Now that you have your website up and running make sure you have a quick and easy way customers can reach you. We live in an “A.D.D.” society and some consumers want to quickly reach you. Make sure that your website has visible contact forms and you remind them in your content that you’re available for them. If you need help with this contact us. You see what I just did there? How many times have you gone to a shoe store and had an employee ask you if you needed help… That same philosophy should be implemented on your website. Another thing – don’t make your contact forms overly complicated. Unless they are filling out a credit application your contact form should be as minimal as possible.
Just like any business needs advertising, so does your website. Your website can’t generate leads if there’s little to no traffic . Drive traffic using your network of friends on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Partner with your vendors and see if they can link to your website. Promote your new website using Facebook Advertising or Google Adwords. Brand your website on everything that has your logo. Go to networking gatherings and promote your website.
Seven out of Ten consumers search online first before making a purchasing decision. That means they are looking for you! Is your website visible on Google, Yahoo or Bing? Search Engine Optimization otherwise known as “SEO” is a sure thing to generate traffic but unfortunately with SEO, it’s a timely process and can take months to gain rankings. SEO is a very important process and shouldn’t be overlooked. Another way to get quick traffic and phone calls is utilizing PPC (pay per click). Target keywords consumers are looking for and promote your services… Make sure though you’re promoting your website on keywords familiar to your services. PPC also allows you to extend the ads for “Phone Calls”. This allows consumers to call you immediately with one tap on their cell phones. Ask us about our PPC management services for more information on PPC.
Connect with current “off-line” clients and new potential clients by building an email database system. At least once every other month email them using tools like MailChimp and remind them of promotions or specials you’re running. Some potential leads coming to your website today may not be ready to buy, but they will be in a few months. Constantly reminding them that you’re available puts you at the top of their mind when they do have a need. Don’t blast their emails every week or more than twice a month. The last thing they want is to be annoyed by you… Run referral programs and internet discounts. Sign up for email updates from big web companies like Amazon or AngiesList and be inspired!
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Houston, TX 77019
Anillo Perif. 3720, Jardines del Pedregal, Álvaro Obregón, 01900 Ciudad de México, CDMX
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