What Is Call Tracking & Why Should You Use It?

call tracking

How would you like to have more insight into what your potential customers are doing, thinking, and feeling? With call tracking, you can get an edge on your competitors and gain valuable data on customer behavior.

If you’ve ever wondered how effective your marketing campaigns are, call tracking can give you the answers you need. Call tracking is the process of monitoring and recording phone calls to determine which marketing efforts are driving customers to your business. By understanding which campaigns are working and which ones aren’t, you can make better use of your time and resources.

Call tracking can be used to track inbound calls from potential customers who see your ad or click on a link. It can also be used to track outbound calls made by your sales team. In either case, call tracking can help you understand what’s working and what isn’t so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

There are several different ways to set up call tracking, but the most important thing is to make sure it’s integrated with your customer relationship management (CRM) system. This will allow you to see not only which marketing campaigns are driving calls, but also how those calls convert into sales.

If you’re not using call tracking, you’re missing out on valuable data that could help you improve your marketing efforts and grow your business.

Call Tracking 101

There are many benefits of call tracking for businesses in any industry. As mentioned above, call tracking can help to identify marketing campaigns that are working and those that are not. However, It can also help to track sales calls and customer service calls so that businesses can improve their processes. Additionally, businesses can use call tracking to monitor employee performance and compliance with company policies.

How To Implement Call Tracking

If you’re looking to unlock the power of call tracking, you’re in the right place. We are always transparent about what we do for our clients. There are no secrets because they’re not paying us for rocket science. The tasks we perform are time-consuming and if left to do them on their own, it would negatively impact their workflow. So, we don’t mind giving you a peek behind the scenes. We’ll cover what call tracking is, how it can benefit your business, and how to implement it.

So, what is call tracking? As touched on at the beginning, call tracking is a technology that allows businesses to track and measure inbound phone calls. This data can be used to improve marketing campaigns, optimize advertising spends, and better understand customer behavior.

There are a few different ways to implement call tracking. The most common is to use a dedicated phone number for each marketing campaign or ad that you run. When customers call this number, the call will be routed through a call tracking service which will then record important data about the call. This data can then be accessed via an online dashboard and processed.

Another way to track calls is to use a dynamic number insertion (DNI) service. DNI works by inserting a unique phone number into your website or landing page depending on where the visitor came from. For example, if someone clicked on a Google ad they would see a different phone number than someone who found your website organically. Using DNI allows you to track which marketing channels are driving phone calls so that you can invest more in those that are performing well.

No matter which method is used, implementing call tracking can be a simple process that delivers amazing insights into your marketing efforts.

Strategies For Optimizing Performance With Call Tracking

There are several strategies you can employ to optimize performance with call tracking. Here are just a few:

Use call tracking to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. By measuring the number of calls generated by each campaign, you can determine which ones are most effective at driving leads and customers.

  • Use call tracking to identify which keywords and ad campaigns are generating the most calls. This information can be used to adjust your campaigns accordingly for maximum results.
  • Use call tracking data to analyze the performance of your sales team. This can help you identify any areas where they may need additional training or support.
  • Use call tracking to monitor customer satisfaction levels. This information can be used to make improvements to your products or services.

Analyzing and Utilizing Data from Call Tracking

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to improve your bottom line. Call tracking can be a powerful tool to help you do just that. By understanding how callers interact with your business, you can make changes that will increase sales and conversions.

There are several different ways to track calls, but the most important thing is to ensure that the data is properly analyzed and utilized. There are a few tips for doing that effectively:

  • Set up call tracking for your main phone line. This will give you insight into how many calls are coming in, what times of day they’re happening, and how long each call lasts.
  • Use recording features to listen back to calls and get an idea of what potential customers are saying about your business. This feedback can be invaluable in making changes to improve the customer experience.
  • Make sure your staff is aware of call tracking and knows how to use the data properly. They should be able to access information about each caller so they can follow up appropriately and answer any questions they may have.
  • Analyze the data regularly to identify patterns and trends. This will help you determine what’s working well and what needs improvement. Then, make changes accordingly to maximize results.


Call tracking can be a valuable asset for any business owner who wants to better understand their customers and improve their bottom line. When you follow these tips and make it a standard procedure, you develop a culture that makes call tracking a daily routine.

That is the key to maximizing the benefits of call tracking is consistently using it, analyzing the data, and making adjustments accordingly.

Call Tracking is Obviously Tedious—That’s Why We Do It For You

Even though call tracking isn’t difficult, it is tedious. When you’re trying to focus on the goods you produce or the services you offer, you rarely have idle time. That’s where BrandNation becomes a valuable partner.

Included in our digital marketing plans is call tracking and analytics. We track your calls for you, qualify the leads, and send them to you to close. No more sifting through junk calls, and dead leads—we do all the work for you.

Contact us today and join the BrandNation family!

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