Brand Nation: Not Your Average Marketing Agency

marketing agency

Welcome to the NATION—BRANDNATION. You might know us as the advertising agency formerly known as BrandNation.

Well, a lot of time has passed since BrandNation was born in a small bedroom before resting in the expansive office digs we have now. With that time, we have also evolved as an agency and what we do.

We are thrilled to share our mission and vision for the future with you and we believe it’s an exciting one. We are prepared to shake up the marketing industry and create brands.

Not just any kind of brand—we are creating brands that captivate hearts and minds through their story and create a legacy of loyalty.

To understand where we’re going, you have to know where BrandNation has been and what we represent.

Who Is BrandNation?

BrandNation is the rebranding of one of Houston’s 100 Fastest Growing companies, an advertising agency based in Houston—BrandNation.

Founded by media and digital marketing veteran, Hector Garcia, BrandNation began in a humble upstairs bedroom, specifically, his infant daughter’s bedroom.

Hector had always had an entrepreneurial spirit, a trait inherited from his father. With that sort of drive can come many successes—but also many lessons learned from failures.

Humble Beginnings

Not many people realize the many failures entrepreneurs must endure before they conquer their goals. Hector is no stranger to these adversities, having to return to the corporate world briefly when his first attempt ultimately failed.

“When I had to shut down my first business, I felt defeated. I thought I let my family down, but they stood by me, my wife encouraged me to look at it differently. It takes the sting of failure to appreciate the spoils of success. Failure spurs innovation and builds character and once I really learned that, I never looked back.”

Some years later, Hector sat down with his wife, and they decided that he needed to pursue his dream and go all in. He left the corporate world once again and opened up BrandNation HQ— in his infant daughter’s bedroom.

“It was a scary jump, I’m not going to lie, but I knew that I was onto something that wasn’t being done in the advertising business well—treating the small business owner account the same as a large corporate account. I decided to fight for the local businesses and give them the tools and a chance to make it in the digital marketplace, hence the name—BrandNation.

It wasn’t easy by any means, and BrandNation endured great setbacks but also great victories. Those victories, both Hector and clients alike, attribute to the simple mission statement Hector has envisioned since day one.


That’s the mission statement that drives everything that we do from client selection to work ethic. We don’t build portfolios. We build relationships.

We refuse to take on more clients than we can give 100% of ourselves to. Therefore, we are very selective of who we take on as clients because they ultimately represent us as much as we represent them. When they succeed, we succeed.

Evolution From BrandNation To BrandNation

Fast forward roughly 10 years later and BrandNation experienced tremendous success and gained a reputation for honest and wildly successful results. With these victories came greater demand for our services from companies in all industries.

When you work with many different industries there are many variables with each but there is always one constant—branding.

Branding is what separates you from your competitors, it makes you unique and memorable. For example, there are a lot of soda manufacturers in the market. However, you don’t see someone just selling their beverages in a can that simply says “soda.”

Why? Because their soda, even though it may have similar ingredients, has its own taste and nuances. How will anyone know that if it’s just in a plain can that says soda?

So, you end up with names like Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, and any web developer’s favorite—Mountain Dew. If you go back and look at the history of these names and everything from their logo design to their color scheme, it’s all for one purpose— to convey a message that emphasizes their brand identity.

That message is the essence of what their brand is and how they want to be perceived. This is accomplished through logo design, commercials, print advertisement, and in today’s connected society, social media and other digital formats.

Branding Is Crucial

We use the above example to illustrate a fundamental of business—without a brand, you are nothing but a generic product or service. Easily duplicated, imitated, and watered down. What good branding does, is solidify your reputation and value and create loyal customers.

However, cultivating your brand can be a tricky process. The main thing you want to do, is focus on creating what’s called a storybrand. But what does that mean?

A storybrand is a method of branding that conveys a clear message to your target market. However, this is where we turn most people’s conventional thinking upside down.


Listen to us for a second, no one likes to be sold but everyone likes to be helped, they like their problems to be solved. If there is a problem, there must be a solution. So what you want to do in your branding is focus on your audience and their problems.

Your brand’s position is one of service. You are helping them with their problem. In essence, you are making your audience the hero in your story. You simply provide the product or service that they find and choose to fix their problem.

Like we said, people don’t like to be sold. However, when you make it all about them they feel heard, they feel important—and that’s your foot in the door.

We Are Storytellers

Now, here lies the problem with the above strategy— you’re not passionate about developing brand strategies, it’s not your business—it’s our business.

You want to spend your efforts working on what you thrive in. If it’s building cars—you build cars. If you’re in construction—you build things.

You aren’t hiring BrandNation because what we do is difficult. You hire us because you don’t have the time to do it. Believe us when we say it takes a team of people working more than 40 hours a week to accomplish these tedious tasks. Our marketing team is comprised of a diversified team of professionals from graphic designers to videographers.

Their entire focus is growing your online presence and creating marketing campaigns that are aligned with sound marketing strategy.


We cultivate new brands, rejuvenate old ones, and build brand loyalty for our client’s day in and day out. We’re always evolving our strategies and adjusting to sociological and economic changes. There are no days off—and that’s why successful companies let BrandNation handle it for them.

The Future Is Limitless— Are You On Board?

Soon, you will be seeing big things coming from BrandNation. We are venturing out into many different media channels including news media and more.

We are aggressively positioning ourselves to become disruptors in the industry and change the status quo. Our People First mentality has driven our success and is the primary reason we enjoy a client loyalty rate unheard of in this industry.

We’d love to grow the BrandNation family and welcome you to come along. We’re going places—are you on board?

Contact us today and join the Nation!

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